Saturday, July 31, 2010

Leyton {summer time}

Just a few snapshots of Leyton from the last month! I've been taking so many pics of others that I havent gotten many of him! I'm sure he is fine with me not chasing him around with my camera though!


My good friend Jenny bought her first DSLR just a few months ago and is diving in head first with so much enthusiasm to learn! This is actually a friend of hers daughter (Mailei) and I just tagged along for fun and couldnt resist getting a few shots of my own!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ireland {2 months}

Evie & Eli

Eli is such a pround big brother to little Evie.

Danny & Heather

After 10 yrs of dating my older brother finally married his girlfriend! Her are a few of my favorite snapshots.